Bringing by the grace of God,word that encourages,word that is healing. Word for all from the heart and more importantly word that is influenced by the word of the living God.
Thursday, 31 December 2020
Arise and Say "Utter End"
Wednesday, 16 September 2020
Arise - The Lords Invisible Wall of Fire
Looking left and right these days, as the world gradually emerges from lock down, many will at one time or another wonder how we will continue to be protected from the rages of the Covid-19 and its effects on changes in the economy and everything around us.
There seems to be a trauma of lock down that has gripped many in thoughts and speech and l hear and understand that, but many are confessing with their own mouths the coming of a second lock down but lest we forget words are spirit, lets be quick to dismiss the negative. At times we are our own enemy with our words!.
Monday, 8 June 2020
There is something In Your Hands (What Is In Your Hands)
Just as we went into quarantine, I remember writing after hearing from the Holy Spirit that there were several garments he wanted us to wear during the quarantine and at a time such as this. Its been some months and for a reason, it's clearer. For many those garments were already on, they needed keeping on. Its clearer now why faith, peace, sound mind, and boldness were and will be necessary
Wednesday, 15 April 2020
Faithful God In All Seaons
l know he is a faithful God and his faithfulness and mercies are great in times that look so dark and fearful. The good news is that, "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."-Psalm 30:5
Iam always blessed by these verses. Tommorrow may be unknown to us but it is he who tells us to believe it in him. Is a new day and Jesus is Lord. lt sounds simple but powerful. ln all seasons in our lives and in whatever is taking place.
Right now, I feel assured that, it is the Lord who continues to preserve us. It is only he that can comprehend the pain of the current sudden losses and only he can comfort those who mourn.
I pray for the Lords healing touch during this extremely difficult time of fear,of economic uncertainty and even personal difficulties. The Lord is fully in control, even though it may not look like it.
All loss is painful, unexpected loss is even more painful and loss is generally not easy to talk about but each one us has ever been affected by loss.
Months ago, the Lord, l sensed was instructing me to write on dealing with loss.This was difficult and I felt very challenged at first until the Lord told me, "l have prepared you to write it out". The result is that the write up came naturally over some months.
"Fear not", says the Lord. Its a command but how can we understand how not to fear especially atbtimes like this?. Even at times like this,I am convinced the Lord is in control. Over 80 times fear is mentioned in the bible.
lsaiah 43:1 “Don't fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine.”
Over 13 years after the loss of my new born baby, I wrote regarding that here> Find it here on my blog
l encourage you to read my co authored book with 29 truly gifted, annointed and powerful Women of God women each with their own stories to share. The book is now on Amazon and has come at the Lords timing
The book can also preferably be purchased from me directly and will be signed.
Queens Supporting Queens An lnspirational Anthology.
supporting children with needs by donating a percentage of book sales to disadvantaged children in homes or hospitals in Uganda they may have a heart defect and /or special need in Uganda. Some children and adults are already benefitting updates to follow.
If you will like to be updated of how the proceeds are being utilised kindly subscribe or like Bishop Isaac Community on facebook here
Purchase the book here

Thank you all and as always blessings and the Peace of the Lord to you all.
Jackqueline Lekea
Woman arise and be Healed
Tuesday, 17 March 2020
The Garment The Lord has Given Us In Battles
We find ourselves needing peace more amidst all other trials. He knows everything that is coming and what we are going to be dealing with and feeling.
Luke 12:7 "Indeed the very hairs of your head are numbered. Dont be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows".
Right now, as we face a pandemic, the Lord is still reminding us of his word. Its not the time to focus too much on this pandemic because we as humans have all our reasons for it but he has given us all the necessary garments to cover ourselves with to battle through - spiritual garments.
From the scripture in Luke 12:7, I am strong in the spirit that this too shall pass and we need to focus on what is physically within our means and to lean on him. Fear is not his chosen garment of us. You see, even as we prepare for whats ahead, his already ahead of us. The time is coming we will ask ourselves what garments we were wearing and who influenced them. I trust the Lord has the rightful spiritual garments. If we wear garments other than the ones he covered us with or chosen for us,then, we need to ask ourselves why we are holding onto those unchosen garments. Is it the garment of fear, anxiety,hopelessness?.We know our own garments.
Which garment are you chosen today?. He has given us numerous garments and covered us with the garments of boldness sound mind,the garment of unsurpassing peace,the garment of faith- halleluyah! and he has said all we need to do is to keep our minds on him.
The Lord reveals that, during this time many will begin to question their purpose here on earth.
During the quiet time as l refer to it, I believe the Lord want us to focus or minds on him. Minds and hearts will be redirected to ask questions I believe.The Lord is looking for our hearts and our attention. As many that have are seeking or beginning to seek,I encourage you as the Lords servant to lean on him, even if you dont know him.
Listen to a previous word - Peace in Tribulations video
Blessings to you all!
Woman Arise and Be Healed
Saturday, 22 February 2020
Hearing and Responding to the Inner Voice
Over four days ago, l started to think about my connections and how it has been a while since I reached out to many. I told a family member disconnection is rising and sadly, we only hear when someone has left us.
Some years ago an in-law passed on and it was shortly after l had a spiritual nudge to connect with her. She was already in the hospital and even though she may not have remembered me in her condition. It was not the point. The point is that my presence mattered more. I felt it was necessary to heed the inner voice I then reached out to her brother who connected me. So, just as I was planning to see her she sadly departed from us. I was shaken. I learned to act upon the inner voice of the holy spirit immediately or as soon as possible.
Just over a week ago, I began writing about this specific issue over time, and by God's. Today at a women's meeting I was reminded that much healing is needed and that our discernment is key and we might be the very presence required in someone's time of need..
Jesus prophetically sensed every emotion others were going through spiritually This is the same spirit we are gifted with. We are one in the spirit as Christians.
Mary and Martha's emotions were connected to Jesus at this time of loss it was more evident spiritually because of their love for Lazarus and their relationship. Lazarus.
Jesus had the right words to comfort those in all types of pain. We notice how when we receive the word it touches us and blesses us within our spirits.
The majority of the time Jesus was on earth, he went through a series of secret pain, suffering, trauma, and trials. He would then rise most days carry on with the disciples and go about his ministry pretty much like he was unaffected by the trials Jesus did not confide much in anyone except through prayer to his father in heaven.
To be mocked, tested, insulted, and betrayed to death leading to saving our souls. These are a range of traumas painful enough to cry out to God. The closest to him knew Jesus went through trials but maybe not enough to understand his innermost emotions.
Many biblical people who encountered Jesus were spiritually left spiritually rich. When we are spiritually rich and blessed we have everything that pertains to life.
The Lord shall through discernment connect us to those who have the wisdom and heart to mentor, nurture, and minister to us spiritually.
This word was previously written, edited, and audio transcribed by;
Woman Arise and Be Healed Writing Speaking Ministry
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Thursday, 9 January 2020
Arise into Faith
I testify as one who underwent three or four mini strokes with a heart procedure and I know that I am a walking miracle like these bible people halelluyah!.Without faith in the Lords healing hand?.The Lords healing hand is alive today through faith as it was in those days of blind Bartimeaus,the woman in the synagogue and the woman with the blood issue.They battled through the years daily for their health but surely it was not their own strength. You shall not battle with your own strength - Praise the Lord.
The woman with the blood issue for 12 years was not not only in bleeding but in excruciating pain and was told by Jesus, "Go your faith has healed you". Faith brought her to a place of healing by his grace. No one except maybe those close to them saw the emotional scars attached to the physical afflictions of these individuals. Physically challenging conditions and some illnesses come with emotional scars that are known only to the person fighting them. Arent we thankful that, Jesus in his own mercy understood these peoples pain even though that element is not discussed in the bible. Jesus was very emotional by nature he saw through peoples pain but he silently healed the unseen ones. Jesus did not make them feel inferior due to their illnesses,he accepted them as they were. Haleluyah.
Psalm30:2 Oh Lord my God L cried unto thee and you healed me.