It may reach a point in life when it seems like a turn of life events subjected one to a standstill, making it challenging to move fully into what we believe God has in store for us. In areas of career, vocational purposes and even in service to God.
Many of us came to be in the lands we are in for different reasons and in many ways. For some the decision was taken by family members for us. For many it may have been for political or economical reasons. It's not why and how however, more importantly it is that we settle and be blessed where we are.
Whatever the reasons we are in a land or city, God says, Deuteronomy 28:3, You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.
For some, life events are such that we may feel we are held back or unable to move fully into that which God is calling us into. Well the scripture God gave me tells me that wherever our paths are directed and wherever I find myself, there my blessing will be. He has placed you in those specific places ready for your careers. callings, gifts and purposes. Wherever he tells you to go, may be the next place you are to be blessed.
There are some asking themselves whether there is any more room time or opportunities for them in that city. The Lord is making it clear. He says, in Jeremiah 29 :11 "The thoughts I have for you are that of For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".
I sense that many feel they may have not reached their full potential in life. Over a year ago, I had a dream where I saw myself catching a great deal of fish. (This dream is partially revealed here).
The fish were so many I could hardly contain them. I began to disperse the fish in the locality I was in. And that locality is real life. The dream took a lot of prayers and meditation to understand. I believe abundance will rise from where many are settled
Revelation of our direction in life can rarely and fully come from anyone but God. In prayer he is the revealer of your future. Ask him, go with the right heart, righteousness and seek him. It's all within you. If you feel rejected somewhere, maybe it's for a reason and God wants you to get guidance from him. That rejection may be for your direction.
#Woman Arise And Be Healed
#Blessed In The City
#Rejection for Direction
(Writing subject to copyright )