The Lord gave us his word during times of trials and tribulations.
We find ourselves needing peace more amidst all other trials. He knows everything that is coming and what we are going to be dealing with and feeling.
Luke 12:7 "Indeed the very hairs of your head are numbered. Dont be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows".
Right now, as we face a pandemic, the Lord is still reminding us of his word. Its not the time to focus too much on this pandemic because we as humans have all our reasons for it but he has given us all the necessary garments to cover ourselves with to battle through - spiritual garments.
From the scripture in Luke 12:7, I am strong in the spirit that this too shall pass and we need to focus on what is physically within our means and to lean on him. Fear is not his chosen garment of us. You see, even as we prepare for whats ahead, his already ahead of us. The time is coming we will ask ourselves what garments we were wearing and who influenced them. I trust the Lord has the rightful spiritual garments. If we wear garments other than the ones he covered us with or chosen for us,then, we need to ask ourselves why we are holding onto those unchosen garments. Is it the garment of fear, anxiety,hopelessness?.We know our own garments.
Which garment are you chosen today?. He has given us numerous garments and covered us with the garments of boldness sound mind,the garment of unsurpassing peace,the garment of faith- halleluyah! and he has said all we need to do is to keep our minds on him.
The Lord reveals that, during this time many will begin to question their purpose here on earth.
During the quiet time as l refer to it, I believe the Lord want us to focus or minds on him. Minds and hearts will be redirected to ask questions I believe.The Lord is looking for our hearts and our attention. As many that have are seeking or beginning to seek,I encourage you as the Lords servant to lean on him, even if you dont know him.
Listen to a previous word - Peace in Tribulations video
Blessings to you all!
Woman Arise and Be Healed