Monday, 8 June 2020

There is something In Your Hands (What Is In Your Hands)

 Just as we went into quarantine, I remember writing after hearing from the Holy Spirit that there were several garments he wanted us to wear during the quarantine and at a time such as this. Its been some months and for a reason, it's clearer. For many those garments were already on, they needed keeping on. Its clearer now why faith, peace, sound mind, and boldness were and will be necessary

moving on. Hope is rising too. Even in these challenging times.

I mentioned boldness in the previous writing in April. It's now clearer - because we need boldness and fearlessness to pursue those gifts, callings, and purposes. For many, it may be long overdue. Faith because with faith there is always hope. And sound mind as we thank God for keeping us through quarantine and to date in Jesus's name.

In a season of this kind of economy, the Lord has in store new opportunities in store. It will be necessary to look at what he put in our hands and how they can turn into and be of support to our families and communities. Old garments are becoming new. 
Isaiah 43: 19 - Behold I shall l do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it. I shall even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

The fearless who walk in faith will be the first ones to see changes.At times its even difficult to see the positive when so much evil is around. God is or continuing shield.Those that can take steps into and take risks and try new things. He,the Lord has already placed them in our open hands. The new things in your hands shall arise on numerous levels and possibly over new horizons and for some new lands. Places of origin and places they have a link to. This is one of the reasons why fear must not set in and boldness shall set in which some may be surprised about but because you have set your eyes on me, says the Lord in difficult times, I shall show you that, all you need to move forward is within you already. Hallelujah.

It will be necessary to retain peace of mind and refocus on this new thing.

What's the new thing in Your Hands?.


Woman Arise and Be Healed

My New Books 2020 - He has done a New thing!

I did not plan to write a book during quarantine but God had his plan for me and I have a testimony here. 
He has put a new thing in my hands!.  Hallelujah. Kindly support my work if you are blessed. I have by God's grace co-authored two books, the very first one is  Queens Supporting Queens An Inspirational Anthology. Praise the Lord and you can order a signed copy direct the link below. .   

Focused and Aligned. Pre-order a signed from the link below

Share with your connections if this has blessed you.

Book Release Alert! Queens Supoorting Queens An Inspirational Anthology

Book Release Alert! Queens Supoorting Queens An Inspirational Anthology
Jackqueline Lekea - International contibuting Author