I am sharing my thoughts and experiences in how I came to accept my children with needs.
It is important to accept your children with special needs as that is the first show and indication of love. Acceptance of your children is the first sign of love just as they are and the way God gave them to you.
Many will ask you how you cope. I have even been told,"you are doing well because, others will give them up in care or wherever else to be cared for". But remember, that's my offspring you are referring to just as they their offspring so did you and went through the birth. Children are gifts from God.
So, you have the bond. Yours wasn't any different a pregnancy. Why wouldn't you accept them. God accepted them, accepted you and you ought to also. I am sure many of you do, for those who are struggling, know that God loves your child equally.
I have come to take delight in the verse from the bible as I have learnt as a born again Christian to draw on God's word for daily strength as I journey though raising our children with special needs.
2 Chronicles 15:7. But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.
Your work with your children will be rewarded. Children with special needs will thrive as you put in time, patience and resources into supporting them.
I draw strength in Psalm 59:17.
At the times you are going through challenges and the negative word sets in, remind yourself that, God is your strength. Physically you may not rely on him but emotionally you do and when it all too much even emotionally surrender it to him. Soon you will realise that physical strength comes from him too because emotions have way of overtaking us physically and sapping energy.So once you are spiritually in tune with Christ,so will you be emotionally and grow stronger.
Your perserverance teaching and training them in all areas will pay off. It will be rewarding to watch them make progress you thought they may not. Just as you think of giving up on training them to sleep through they may start doing so. Just as the vegetables weren't being eaten and chips, dry pasta, crisps, sweets or dry Weetabix was the order of the week, your continuous exposure to a variety of meals will change their appetite.
Whether its eating a variety of foods or self care or exposure to the outdoors to learn. Change can and will come.
Things will change positively, your children need you to accept them they way they are.
They never asked to be born with a condition.Your children will thrive as you accept them and the love from you will freely flow from your spirit to nurture them.You will be better equipped with knowledge, resources and external support once you accept them.
Not only does our acceptance of them show the world you are children of God,but allows you to raise awareness and reduce ignorance and its related attitudes that hinder positive vibe and a better community for our children and their future. Acceptance is love.
Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. Ephesians 4:2
Blessed Jackqueline
God Bless you and your families.
Watch this short video laid on my heart. God's Mercy is upon you. - You Tube
Woman Arise and Be Healed - YouTube
Blessed Jackqueline
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