Sunday, 20 January 2019

God's own Unique Process in Helping us Forgive and Trust

If we say weve forgiven but then, we dont trust God to deal with any trust issues that arise before and after forgiveness, then have we really trusted God in the process.You know what the Lord's prayer say's regarding forgiveness. Most of us say it daily for years but does it sink in our hearts.
By age, forgiveness becomes more difficult especially as fleshly humans. Forgiveness is an expectation upon us from Christ and he calls us to do so instantly.It becomes more necessary as we encounter life experiences which may arise from hurt and pain from others. However, some may say forgiveness is easy and trust is the difficult part. Trust issue could also arise from our own level of self worth.Ponder deeply and we would find it simply is NOT easy and takes the total grace of God to help us forgive an arising hurt and trust. How much trust have we put in God to handle an area needing trust either with ourself or others.

If we are are very honest, many of us have tried and needed more grace to forgive. It's possible to say at first hand that, forgiveness is a process. Its what I use to say or think until God showed me otherwise during a process in which God was speaking to my heart in marriage reconcilition.To God, it isnt a process but he has his own unique process for us because he understands us and knows us by each strand of our hair, he will in his own power take us through what process is necessary to reach the point of being able to totally forgive without an ounce of unforgiveness left. That doest remove his preference for instant forgiveness.

God is aware the type of pain and hurt you are nursing and need to let go of. Some of us nurse pain like if we let it go,we will loose something very dear. Nothing is being held back or possibly lost from unforgiveness except the blessings that await and where God wants to take you. It sounds vey simple but I was nursing pain and telling God to give me time but I believe he had enough of it and told me," Iam bringing you out". Once he starts dealing with your heart, depending on the state and condition of the hearts, we will respond accordingly, depending on our level of faith and how deeply we seek him, his response to healing us is according to our hearts desire and level of faith. He knows your heart. His word is forever final and there for us to seek. He asks us to trust him NOT man. In trusting him, he gives us the ability to spiritually discern and whom to trust.

God is involved in the process of forgiveness he is also involved in the process of trust and lest we forget,it is he who gives us the ability to trust. Proverbs 3:5-6. " Do not Kneal on our own understanding but trust in the Lord with all our heart and in all our ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight".  He has his own process and grace for us.

Leaving to him your cares, he will erase the burden of you having to deal with a spirit such as lack of trust. When God gave us the above verse and we say the Lords prayer, he knew it needed to sink within our spirits. Thus, the need to say it daily because he knows we are in need to forgive and be forgiven. We are in need to trust him.

In trusting we are called to be wise.Your spiritual discernment will tell you whether it is possible to trust. Trust the Lord's ability to guide you from forgiveness and trust.

You see,when God enables you to totally forgive supernaturally,then, the spirit of trust is imminent.Trust in itself can also be gained supernaturally by God's grace.

Remember, if God is dealing with you in the process of forgiveness in the area of hurt then, chances are that, total healing is also required not just in one but two or more people to complete his work to perfection.

Be Blessed.
Iam Blessed Jackqueline - You Tube

Speaking Engagements. Womens groups,Churches, Raising awareness on special needs,schools.

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