Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Shame cannot prevail - Woman Arise

Shame occurs when one thinks their situation is such that it brings disgrace, criticism or judgement.There is much more.

Many men and women of God are able to speak today because of Gods grace who has first healed them and helped them work through their emotions of whatever it is they went through and overcame. They never suddenly rise up and speak out. It is through a process and the works of the holy spirit.Today, they are changing lives because God removed shame from them. Someone once asked regarding the loss of my baby how I knew healing had taken place. It is when I could talk about it without breaking down. To it

It was a healing process I had undergone even without knowing but the process had taken place over some time. God is healing us continuously with or without our knowledge as long as we allow him through his word and praise and prayer.

We saw the seed of shame being sown in the strory of Hannah. Peninah continuously mocked Hannah of her childlesness. Hannah's shame was eventually removed when she was eventually blessed with children. 1 Samuel 2:21

It was once uttered that, a head should be bowed down due to a circumstance that one was enduring.
Who told the special need mother to abandon her child in a home? Or stay at home.
Who said you should hide yourselves due to your circumstances?
There is much you may have undergone or be undergoing to make your head bow. You are child of God should you have aligned yourself expect God to prevail.

Lest judgement should prevail.
Lest shame should prevail.
Lest criticism should occur and prevail.
God had already got shame covered and there his graces over the matter had gone ahead of me. Anything to hinder any healing was already covered by him.
Isaiah 54:4 Fear not, for you will not be ashamed; be not confounded, for you will not be disgraced; for you will forget the shame of your youth, and the reproach of your widowhood you will remember no more.

With God, and in him - nothing will be a cause for bewilderment,surprises,confusion or shame. Shame cannot prevail.

Blessed Jackqueline
Blessings to you all.

Book Release Alert! Queens Supoorting Queens An Inspirational Anthology

Book Release Alert! Queens Supoorting Queens An Inspirational Anthology
Jackqueline Lekea - International contibuting Author