Saturday, 8 December 2018

The Imperfect shall be Perfected

Psalm 138:8 Tells us, The Lord shall perfect that which concerneth me.

To the outside eye it looks simple and ordinary but as I pondered over this verse, the Lord revealed to me that its much deeper meaning to this verse. If we look at it spiritually particulary.

Many might think, its about having a phycically perfect life,perfect career,perfect house,perfect finances,perfect children and provision of things material.Yes, Gods people are blessed with enriched lives in all areas. But what if everything or somethig around you isnt what appears perfect?.

A mothers emotional ability to cope with a baby who doctors have diagnosed with a life threatening condition. Its takes a God given spirit and takes faith to continue into the unknown.
Psalm 46: 10. Be still and know that Iam God.He has a good plan in store for that worried mother.
Speaking to a mother,I could see pain. She  told me about her fourth baby who was diagnosed with a heart condition and would have given up had she known her baby would be diagosed shortly after birth,she had three children and the third had a brain condition she was dealing with the fouth baby  now been diagnosed with a heart condition and a brain condition was now hard to accept.
She asked why her other two and yet she had two other healthy children. It didnt take much for me tot to undesratnd,as many years back I asked the same question of God. Was I looking for a perfect child and questioning God.

Today,I have a word for that mother in a predicament of doubt.God has a reason for that child in her life,she is doing well.The mother is happy she never gave up and brought the baby fourth.
I speak to the mother in a smilar situation and from experience who is asking herself why and how. God gives you the spirit to cope raising children with special needs.The spirit to believe and have faith that God will perfect that child's life. Believe that, God has trusted you with that new life to bring them forth to be their best. He has an agenda for that child. From a child that may not have met their milestones like their peers because of a condition to a child who beacause of his graces,you now watch that child flourish in all areas and find their talent. A child who shall overcome what looked impossible to man at one time. It will be a testimony.

You see, coping with an adversity like that takes absolute resilience,sound mind,emotional stability, and is a spirtitual gift from God, He gives the spirit to cope with that difficult circumstance in your life. Those who know him will not give up. Daniel 11:32. You shall do exploits through your circumstamces. The scars might be deep today and it looks imperfect but when you seek God diligently,he gives you the holy spirit to contend with what looks impossible to conquer,he will perfect the imperfect joy shall come in the morning with a testimony.

Have you called upon Jesus Christ as your saviour?. Tommorrow is not promised find a bible believing church and submit yourself to a man or woman of God.

Iam Blessed Jackqueline.

Find me on You Tube - Blessed Jackqueline

Speaking -  I raise awareness on Autism/special needs and  encouragement talks to groups,churches,school,events.

Sunday, 28 October 2018

Arise from Affliction - Jesus is knocking on your door

(Psalm 119:9) It was good for me that I was afflicted that I may know your decrees.

 Affliction according to the dictionary is what caused/causes pain or harm.

Pain can be anything that made you undergo anything that caused pain and suffering. Illness, physcal or emotional pain caused by an experience, that affected you emotionally. It could also be an illness or disease. The thing is,we never want to be associated with affliction,and by the blood of Jesus, and his grace, affliction shall be far from us.

Its a very sensitive topic ans yet crucially a high need to understand because,often we as.Where is God in all these things the world is suffering.

The bible says."Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth him from them all". Psalm:34:19. So,then affliction is not that the individual is far from God or a sinner.  What does Jesus say about affliction, one of the things he said to Blind Bartimeau's  mockers is. After the people asked Jesus which of his parents have sinned,his mother or father. And Jesus replied, "none of them".

Jesus knew affliction in his calling.  Jesus - "My soul is sorrowful, even unto death."Jesus was mocked on the cross,he was rejected by men and he was drawn to people with affliction,accepting them whether it was physical or emotional affliction did not and doesnt matter to him. He looked out for the woman with the blood issue when he felt his strength was lost called onto these women as they also looked for them. Believe like the women with affliction affliction shall come to an end and be far. Pursue Jesus relentlessly and he shall pursue your afflictions. He shall deliver you and bring beauty for Ashes.

Luke 13:10-17 Jesus encountered the woman with the bent back and healed her. She went on to praise God.

Mark 2:25. The woman with the issue of blood for 12 years, was healed by faith when she touched the garment of Jesus amongst the crowds. This woman went telling everyone what Jesus had done for her. Would she have known Jesus if she had no affliction.Would she have gone on to tell of Jesus to those around her. Not all are afflicted in similar ways or for some it looks like there is no affliction. But wait, if we dig deeper we find there is a different type of affliction hidden to the naked human eye. But because we are consumed with the physical, we miss the unseen ones.We are attracted to and take more seriously those who from the naked eye have no afflictions.

I was listening to well known pop star interview recently. She said, what happens after you have the car, house and sucsess. What else do you need?. She then said, you just sit there and listen to the inner voice with no interuptions. That is good, but she She never mentioned the voice of God.
No one would want to imagine this pop star with all that she has physicall afflicted spiritually and lack spiritually. But she delves deeper and discusses her afflictions and how she looked to the inside for spiritual healing.Who, if not God the creator is inside us when we call on him.

Wondered for a moment, and it occured to me by hearing from the holy spirit that, it is possible to be spiritually afflicted and it remains unseen to the naked eye and many may not know that they are afflicted spiritually. They know it is suffering but dont see it as an affliction.
So, there may be no emotional pain, no disease,illness,no suffering even but there is a void within the spirit.

How these women survived all those years with those physical afflictions is only something those who have undergone would understand. But they must have also suffered spiritually. Earlier in the article, I indicated affliction as suffering. The stigma,physical and emotions attached to the woman with the issue of blood and the woman with the bent back undoubtedly accompanied spiritual suffering.
The woman with the issue of blood and the bent woman were spiritually afflicted. The bent woman for years sought the Lord in their illness. They were both healed. I can imagine that once they were healed,they continued to refered to as the, "woman who used to have bent back".The pain,be it physical or emotional,illness or disease were spiritual afflictions they underwent. Each day the these women were avoided by people because of their affliction the suffered rejection Pain,suffering and rejection are spirits. Thus possible to call them (spiritual affliction).

What however, shall we say to those continually afflicted for years. And what do we do when affliction does arise. Jesus himself suffered and encountered many people who were afflicted. Sometimes, the afliction is so much that, it is possible to go around wondering whether there is an end to it.

Get to know Jesus,give your life to Jesus.Tommorrow is not known.Jesus is knocking on your door. Find a Bible believing church and ask to be ministered by a man or woman of God.

Be Blessed

Blessed Jackqueline

You can find me on You Tube  - Blessed Jackqueline

Sunday, 14 October 2018

The Garment of Stigma - Jesus has you in is heart

Be Blessed by this short word.

Maybe, a life situation has left you feeling stigmatized. Maybe you are from a broken family, the one who they called ugly, the one who got divorced, the one who is single at 40+, the one who has had no children after years of marriage. Have an illness or disability. Feel behind in your career life.

Recently, I spoke to a lady I had a rapport with. As the conversation went on, the holy spirit led me to ask her where she worships, inviting her to worship and if she knew Christ. I was moved to this topic after she confided in me.On inviting her to worship she immediately declined and went off saying she did not want to hear about Jesus. The next day, this same woman found me in the library. She came to saying,she had been looking for me. I said, I trust all is well. She said, "you shall live long". To that I could only answer Amen.
She went on to tell me that, she went home and asked herself, "why I am I even not going to worship services?. She had confided in me in the conversation and I sensed there was a level self stigmatisation going on.There is stigmatization by others and self stigmatization.

For some, it's because they have come to feel stigmatised by their own situation in life, the lack of something in their lives, or something which looks significantly different to be deemed as "normal". If Jesus were to choose people to heal and serve him would he look at your life situation, will he look at your marital status, your life or will he will look at your heart and your alignment with his word. He has his unique time for you to find your feet in life. His speed for you is unique.

That stigma is the very thing that could lead you to your calling, your assignment. Should you only ease the burden of them and abandon them at the feet of Jesus, release focusing on them and use the time and energy in praise, worship and serve him. If you look at Jesus and who he reached out to were mainly people who may have been outcast/stigmatised in society. The Woman at the well as she is referred to is one of them. She does not even have a name. Just being known as the woman at the well is an indication that no one had made much attempt to find out her name. The disciples left Jesus at the well and were shocked to return to find him having a conversion with her. She was stigmatized by her marital life. Stigma caused her to go to the well when no one was there. Could it be that, Jesus wants to find you in a place on your own so he can talk to you.

Hagai servant to Sarai fled the home of Sarai after having a son for Abraham. The stigma of having a baby out of wedlock and for Abraham must have bothered her. Apart from Sarah mistreating her, could she have fled due to Stigma. Despite, this stigma, the lord spoke to her.  Hagar said
“I am running away from Sarai".
The angel of the Lord said to her, “Sarai is your owner. Go home to her and obey her.” The angel of the Lord also said, “From you will come many people—too many people to count.” 
We see that, Hagai hears a message from the lord. Hagai may be the most unexpected person to hear from God according to many possibly because she involved herself with Abraham even though it was by the order of Sarah. The very situation that does look uncertain today may be the very thing that opens up you up for blessings.
Jesus used what looks like stigma to heal emotionally and physically,stigma to recover and stigma to deliver people. We know of blind Bartimaeus and the woman at the well, again we aren't given any names for these two. Their situation appears to attract people's attention so much that, their names no longer matter as the issues with their lives which stigmatized them took over. With Batimeaus which wasn't his real name, it was his blindness.  So he was known as,"Blind Bartimeaus".
People even tried to stop him from coming to Jesus because of this blindness which stigmatized him.

The woman with the issue of blood also knew she would be kept from Jesus so she crept quietly to touch Jesus' garments to be healed with faith.

Who, what or which voices are keeping you from coming to meet Jesus?. Is it your own view of yourself and potentially how you may be viewed or is it how people view you. What stigma are you carrying that you think is too heavy for Jesus?. Jesus does not choose whom he reaches out to but he gives you a choice. A choice to come to him willingly to the throne that you may healed, recovered, and restored. You see, you are already in his heart so it is now over to you to receive him.

Stay blessed.

I am blessed, Jackqueline


Saturday, 29 September 2018

Dealing with the Pain of Loss - The Process of Mourning

Most if not all of us have gone through various emotions and each of us will process the loss and deal with the pain differently depending on how the loss came about.

Being no stranger to loss, I lost a fourth baby after birth and a mother in the same year, so I understand the pain. How do you know you have overcome the pain of a loved one?. I now realize if you can talk about it without breaking it down, it is likely you have overcome it.
Sudden loss and pain of a young one is far more painful as it is premature and unexpected than that of an elderly person for instance which may have been or seemed inevitable. You may be somewhat prepared. Unfortunate it is but Jesus is the healer.

I was intrigued by the story of an Orca female written in the mail newspaper. Its mother carried its dead offspring for 17 days and each time it fell off she would dive deep to find it and carry it again until it finally let go. It reminded me of the need to pick up my lost baby and just go through mourning. It didn't make sense to anyone but it was a natural process for me. That was the same the Orca dealt with mourning and processing the pain and loss of its offspring. We humans cannot carry our lost offspring physically like an Orca. We however can carry them spiritually positively recalling their memories with us. We take refuge and comfort in the fact that their spirits live on.

When l lost my baby in 2007, I found it necessary to go back to the grave almost every week to just stand there. I just was moved to do so. Like the Orca mother carrying its offspring, I went to the graveside regularly till I finally stopped naturally. Another way, I processed pain was to keep a picture taken at birth in the living room and point it out to anyone who cared to listen till I stopped naturally.
Not to get attention but simply to offload what I had gone through. People would say, take it down but it was a natural way of dealing with the loss. I've learned that it does not take time to mourn naturally, the pain may take longer to heal and surface unexpectedly.

There is nothing anyone born of man can do or say to heal your pain, only Christ can do that, and that is not to say people around you don't matter, their presence will be necessary. But after they are gone, the void needs healing. Who better to turn to Jesus Christ the healer of the pain from loss.

So, do what arises in your spirit to mourn, that may be God's way of helping you through loss.
The Lord will give peace that surpasses all understanding.

The tears of women and loved ones are heavy, we see how Jesus comforted them. When Martha and Mary lost Lazarus, they both dealt with the loss differently. In John:7 -11-17, we see that, Martha runs out to meet Jesus saying, "If you had been here Lazarus would not have died".
Jesus already knew and predicted the death of Lazarus. Even with that knowledge he wept and mourned Lazarus. What more for the totally unexpected loss. Mary says the same thing in the verse regarding the loss of Lazarus. Jesus also wept at that point but told Martha that Lazarus would rise again.

Martha and Mary expected miracles from Jesus, Indeed Jesus is a miracle worker and carrier and Lazarus was raised from the dead into glory. In Luke 7:11-17 we see Jesus had compassion for the mother who lost an only son and raised him. Jesus told her. "weep not".
Our loved ones we have lost may not rise again physically on this earth but by the blood of Jesus, they arise and live on in glory. Mothers at loss believe that, in time the pain of loss will heal. Your weapon is praise and through prayer and worship. Jesus Christ will give you the comfort you need in time but surrender the pain of loss to him.

Woman Arise And Be Healed Writing Speaking Ministries

Friday, 24 August 2018

Never giving up on the people you are reaching out to - The Walk to Christ

May this testimony bless someone.

This is a testimony of how I got saved but also the Lord laid it on my heart to share how we can  all reach out to someone who seems to be so drifted in their own world. May it also speak to those Christians who feel they are drifted from the lord, no longer in church because of whatever reason, sin, judgement by others or judging others, pain, loss, stress can all keep us away from worshipping or reaching out to others. God did not call us out to choose whom to reach out to.

Even the neighbour who never answers when you greet them, even the one who is offended by the name Jesus will one day have an open heart. Then,there's that friend who may have brutally hurt you. It is us, the Christian's who must allow God to deal with us to forgive and refrain from judgement. We know better by the blood shed. Without forgiving those who hurt or offended us, we can't talk to them about Christ. Even the one who mocked you when you became a Christian, after all Jesus was mocked. being mocked as a Christian, it was so painful but Id rather hold onto that pain coming from mockery as a Christian than the pain of the world.
John 4:4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

I recall, the lady who led me to Christ never gave up, phone call after call, visit after visit, rebuke after rebuke. This lady was so patient and persistent, she almost got on my stubborn side - those years!.
The thing is I was petrified of this saying, "give your life to Christ".  Yes, I was told I was proud too!. She never minced her words. I was NOT a drinker, smoker but was looking for love in the wrong places and people. I was far too open with my life and people always divulged my trust in them so, I lost trust in people.Trying to justify my acceptance by having a relationship with wrong people. This caused led to more pain and rejection. But she sat me down and looked at the word of God with me - telling me who Jesus was. I was catholic raised did not know Jesus personally.Today, Iam forever grateful to her.

Then, I
just did not see how giving up my life to Christ would remove any emotional pain but could sense looking in the bible that, there was something to get hungry about in God's word. Just entering university,I gave  many excuses under the sun, I have a lot of work, cant travel to bible class,but they offered to pick me to take me to church and back. I was left with no excuses. Till one day I gave my life to Christ.

Years later, life happened and once again, I needed to be renewed and restored in my relationship with christ they - different christians invited me to church several times, this time the reach out was harder for them or so it seemed but they weren't dealing with it by flesh. They prayed for me till I was melted by the love of Christ again. This time I believe Jesus reached out  to me in my very own home as I listened to gospel music. 
So the seed sown prayers were all working within me even though I did not realise. This will be the case when we reach out to people. They may not see the seed but its working within them.Now, I see them with testimonies all the time and big hugs. Renewed and restored in his word, he shall strengthen us. Even the one that left the place of worship or no longer worships anywhere still needs reaching out. Lets not be the reason someone left the house of God. Today, if you are talking to someone about Christ, the mockery, doubt's, shame, even fear you have aren't of God and one day your reach out will be their story and testimony.

The Christians who reached out to me were not judgemental but their characters drew me. At this time,I would also say character is everything when reaching out to people.

Lets not give up reaching out to that person/people who come your way that God lays on your heart.They shall come thanking you and all the honour and glory will be the Lord's. 

Since then, Ive seen  more family members give their lives to Christ some by reason of how my life has changed and God's miracles in my life.

Then, all things will have passed away and they will be born again. 

Friday, 22 June 2018

Learning to Accept your children with Special Needs/Autism

Your world is changed when your child is diagnosed with a special need.They are special and we should focus on what they can do not what they cant do.That should be the main focus.
I am sharing my thoughts and experiences in how I came to accept my children with needs.

It is important to accept your children with special needs as that is the first show and indication of love. Acceptance of your children is the first sign of love just as they are and the way God gave them to you.

Many will ask you how you cope. I have even been told,"you are doing well because, others will give them up in care or wherever else to be cared for". But remember, that's my offspring you are referring to just as they their offspring so did you and went through the birth. Children are gifts from God.
So, you have the bond. Yours wasn't any different a pregnancy. Why wouldn't you accept them. God accepted them, accepted you and you ought to also. I am sure many of you do, for those who are struggling, know that God loves your child equally.

I have come to take delight in the verse from the bible as I have learnt as a born again Christian to draw on God's word for daily strength as I journey though raising our children with special needs.

2 Chronicles 15:7. But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.

Your work with your children will be rewarded. Children with special needs will thrive as you put in time, patience and resources into supporting them.

I draw strength in  Psalm 59:17.

At the times you are going through challenges and the negative word sets in, remind yourself that, God is your strength. Physically you may not rely on him but emotionally you do and when it all too much even emotionally surrender it to him. Soon you will realise that physical strength comes from him too because emotions have way of overtaking us physically and sapping energy.So once you are spiritually in tune with Christ,so will you be emotionally and grow stronger.

Your perserverance teaching and training them in all areas will pay off. It will be rewarding to watch them make progress you thought they may not. Just as you think of giving up on training them to sleep through they may start doing so. Just as the vegetables weren't being eaten and chips, dry pasta, crisps, sweets or dry Weetabix was the order of the week, your continuous exposure to a variety of meals will change their appetite.
Whether its eating a variety of foods or self care or exposure to the outdoors to learn. Change can and will come.

Things will change positively, your children need you to accept them they way they are.
They never asked to be born with a condition.Your children will thrive as you accept them and the love from you will freely flow from your spirit to nurture them.You will be better equipped with knowledge, resources and external support once you accept them.

Not only does our acceptance of them show the world you are children of God,but allows you to raise awareness and reduce ignorance and its related attitudes that hinder positive vibe and a better community for our children and their future. Acceptance is love.

Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. Ephesians 4:2

Blessed Jackqueline

God Bless you and your families.

Watch this short video laid on my heart. God's Mercy is upon you. - You Tube

Woman Arise and Be Healed - YouTube

 Blessed Jackqueline 

Let me know your thoughts comment below, subscribe by email and on You Tube.

Book Release Alert! Queens Supoorting Queens An Inspirational Anthology

Book Release Alert! Queens Supoorting Queens An Inspirational Anthology
Jackqueline Lekea - International contibuting Author