Shame occurs when one thinks their situation is such that it brings disgrace, criticism or judgement.There is much more.
Many men and women of God are able to speak today because of Gods grace who has first healed them and helped them work through their emotions of whatever it is they went through and overcame. They never suddenly rise up and speak out. It is through a process and the works of the holy spirit.Today, they are changing lives because God removed shame from them. Someone once asked regarding the loss of my baby how I knew healing had taken place. It is when I could talk about it without breaking down. To it
It was a healing process I had undergone even without knowing but the process had taken place over some time. God is healing us continuously with or without our knowledge as long as we allow him through his word and praise and prayer.
We saw the seed of shame being sown in the strory of Hannah. Peninah continuously mocked Hannah of her childlesness. Hannah's shame was eventually removed when she was eventually blessed with children. 1 Samuel 2:21
It was once uttered that, a head should be bowed down due to a circumstance that one was enduring.
Who told the special need mother to abandon her child in a home? Or stay at home.
Who said you should hide yourselves due to your circumstances?
There is much you may have undergone or be undergoing to make your head bow. You are child of God should you have aligned yourself expect God to prevail.
Lest judgement should prevail.
Lest shame should prevail.
Lest criticism should occur and prevail.
God had already got shame covered and there his graces over the matter had gone ahead of me. Anything to hinder any healing was already covered by him.
Isaiah 54:4 Fear not, for you will not be ashamed; be not confounded, for you will not be disgraced; for you will forget the shame of your youth, and the reproach of your widowhood you will remember no more.
With God, and in him - nothing will be a cause for bewilderment,surprises,confusion or shame. Shame cannot prevail.
Blessed Jackqueline
Blessings to you all.
Bringing by the grace of God,word that encourages,word that is healing. Word for all from the heart and more importantly word that is influenced by the word of the living God.
Tuesday, 30 July 2019
Tuesday, 16 July 2019
Beauty For Ashes And the one day in Gods calendar
I pick up from a word from last year. Once you have received christ as your saviour and aligned yourself to his word.
It cannot feel like ashes for long- no. No matter what you are going through. Gods word has made it clear. The question is how much do you believe his word.
There will be that one day in Gods calendar when he turns things around for your sake. He has his plans you know and they are for the good. Plans for a future filled with hope for you and your children.
If you doubt it, look back years from you where you started and see how far you have all come.
The word dropped to my spirit one day as I was walking around the park. Specifically, God was referring to the pain some mothers go through when there child is diagnosed with condition that has no treatment. The comfort is that, there is a time when God brings the better out of you as parent but also complete healing. Healing is not always physical but emotional and spiritually achievable by connection to God. And that child will certainly benefit from the healed you. The new you an overcomer will lead to the best outcome for you ,your family and the wider community.
Watch how patient you are with your child, if you were not patient, you learnt to be so. Petty things to others are absolutely trivial to you. An evidence of inner peace. Inner
Peace is weapon for survival and a means of coping. God gave it you.
You a choice and entrusted to look after them.
Patience is not just a virtue but a spirit. A gift from the Lord.
You love your child unconditionally. You and they are complete by Gods love.
Today,I encourage you to walk by faith,drop the ashes in your mind and pick up the beauty.
The beauty he gave you, its within you and ahead of you.
Arise and Be Blessed
Watch the video related to this and share!
Some have already seen beauty!
It cannot feel like ashes for long- no. No matter what you are going through. Gods word has made it clear. The question is how much do you believe his word.
There will be that one day in Gods calendar when he turns things around for your sake. He has his plans you know and they are for the good. Plans for a future filled with hope for you and your children.
If you doubt it, look back years from you where you started and see how far you have all come.
The word dropped to my spirit one day as I was walking around the park. Specifically, God was referring to the pain some mothers go through when there child is diagnosed with condition that has no treatment. The comfort is that, there is a time when God brings the better out of you as parent but also complete healing. Healing is not always physical but emotional and spiritually achievable by connection to God. And that child will certainly benefit from the healed you. The new you an overcomer will lead to the best outcome for you ,your family and the wider community.
Watch how patient you are with your child, if you were not patient, you learnt to be so. Petty things to others are absolutely trivial to you. An evidence of inner peace. Inner
Peace is weapon for survival and a means of coping. God gave it you.
You a choice and entrusted to look after them.
Patience is not just a virtue but a spirit. A gift from the Lord.
You love your child unconditionally. You and they are complete by Gods love.
Today,I encourage you to walk by faith,drop the ashes in your mind and pick up the beauty.
The beauty he gave you, its within you and ahead of you.
Arise and Be Blessed
Watch the video related to this and share!
Some have already seen beauty!
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
The Overcomer Within - Healing from within

1 John:4:4 He that is within me is bigger that he that is in the world.
By virtue of him being within us means we have already overcome from within. There is an overcomer within all of us. God is not a respecter of any man and he will take that which looks impossible or possibly less to man and make beauty out of it. In this case he doessnt love those with a physical disabiliy any less.
The spirit of rejection has not overwhelmed them from living in a society where perfection is the norm, If the beauty within those with disabilities should be dimmed because it looks unlike God then, we have gone off agape love. God does not love the seemingly perfect any less. In my earlier article,
I mentioned that blind Batimeaus was silenced by those around him. What was his parents sin ?.
Nothing accoding to Jesus healed who healed him. His healing was physical but that he even went looking for Jesus with his blindness was the rising overcomer within him.
There is an overcomer within us that grows and there is a process. When Job lost everything, he had to start over and was blessed with more tha he had. However, no one tells us what internal processes he went through to rise up and overcome. Iam sure he went through verbal attacks,mockery,rejection, pain to rise up again. The spirit of God within him was bigger than how it looked physically on the outside. The Overcomer within him rose up to eventually lift up his head.
There is a word for us, we have the overcoming spirit within us in whatever it is we have to overcome,
By God's word and because he that is within us is bigger, we are already on our way to overcoming from within. The process is there and a part of overcoming. That Overcomer within you is more powerful than you think. Overcomer you are and overcome you shall be
I recomend my other articles on this website which may be relevent to readers.
Blessing to you all
From Blessed Jackqueline
Sharing is caring - share to your family and friends
Saturday, 9 March 2019
Arise Oh Mother of Zion - Special Needs Edition

I share a word of God says about a mother of Zion.
In this case, the mother in Zion is all mothers but specially mothers raising children with special needs. The special mothers task is that which only God's grace can see you through.When you first find out when your child is diagnosed with a special need and the pain of raising them and the questions you ask yourself about their future knowing the imminent challenges that may lie ahead can leave you with various emotional challenges. Being a mother a huge blessing from God.Being a mother raising children with special needs requires just that, that very special mother. You are chosen mother of Zion.
When Blind Bartimeaus heard that Jesus was in town, he did everything to find him for a healing. The people were against him getting near Jesus and asked Jesus which one of this boys parents have done anything wrong to cause his blindness and Jesus replied," neither his mother of father have done anything wrong. God is raising you away from blame, shame and worry about your child's condition be it from society or your inner questioning. Once you have risen from that and not by your own strength, he bring out in you a beauty within you you never knew existed. A beauty to arise and shine and go forth to find your hidden calling,your hidden talent.
Rise up against any shame and judgement on your situation. You know the ones you've heard. By God's grace you will overcome and develop a resilience which comes from what the word of God says about you and your child.
You've punished yourself by self blame and self questioning and self judgement as to whether you did the right things. Its enough from a society that apportions blame onto the mother raising a child with special needs. Its of no use Mother of Zion.
You, Mother in Zion are a chosen, anointed and appointed to raise Gods,precious ones. If you see it this way it makes it more easier to forge ahead and keep doing great works God has called you to be.
Like the Israelites you are a people of God . Isaiah 60:40.
God knows best. Batimeaus found him in town. You can find him in your heart. Find him in your heart and abandon your needs at his feet.You are a mother in Zion so arise and shine.
Stay blessed
Blessed Jackqueline
Sunday, 20 January 2019
God's own Unique Process in Helping us Forgive and Trust
By age, forgiveness becomes more difficult especially as fleshly humans. Forgiveness is an expectation upon us from Christ and he calls us to do so instantly.It becomes more necessary as we encounter life experiences which may arise from hurt and pain from others. However, some may say forgiveness is easy and trust is the difficult part. Trust issue could also arise from our own level of self worth.Ponder deeply and we would find it simply is NOT easy and takes the total grace of God to help us forgive an arising hurt and trust. How much trust have we put in God to handle an area needing trust either with ourself or others.
If we are are very honest, many of us have tried and needed more grace to forgive. It's possible to say at first hand that, forgiveness is a process. Its what I use to say or think until God showed me otherwise during a process in which God was speaking to my heart in marriage reconcilition.To God, it isnt a process but he has his own unique process for us because he understands us and knows us by each strand of our hair, he will in his own power take us through what process is necessary to reach the point of being able to totally forgive without an ounce of unforgiveness left. That doest remove his preference for instant forgiveness.
God is aware the type of pain and hurt you are nursing and need to let go of. Some of us nurse pain like if we let it go,we will loose something very dear. Nothing is being held back or possibly lost from unforgiveness except the blessings that await and where God wants to take you. It sounds vey simple but I was nursing pain and telling God to give me time but I believe he had enough of it and told me," Iam bringing you out". Once he starts dealing with your heart, depending on the state and condition of the hearts, we will respond accordingly, depending on our level of faith and how deeply we seek him, his response to healing us is according to our hearts desire and level of faith. He knows your heart. His word is forever final and there for us to seek. He asks us to trust him NOT man. In trusting him, he gives us the ability to spiritually discern and whom to trust.
God is involved in the process of forgiveness he is also involved in the process of trust and lest we forget,it is he who gives us the ability to trust. Proverbs 3:5-6. " Do not Kneal on our own understanding but trust in the Lord with all our heart and in all our ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight". He has his own process and grace for us.
Leaving to him your cares, he will erase the burden of you having to deal with a spirit such as lack of trust. When God gave us the above verse and we say the Lords prayer, he knew it needed to sink within our spirits. Thus, the need to say it daily because he knows we are in need to forgive and be forgiven. We are in need to trust him.
In trusting we are called to be wise.Your spiritual discernment will tell you whether it is possible to trust. Trust the Lord's ability to guide you from forgiveness and trust.
You see,when God enables you to totally forgive supernaturally,then, the spirit of trust is imminent.Trust in itself can also be gained supernaturally by God's grace.
Remember, if God is dealing with you in the process of forgiveness in the area of hurt then, chances are that, total healing is also required not just in one but two or more people to complete his work to perfection.
Be Blessed.
Iam Blessed Jackqueline - You Tube
Speaking Engagements. Womens groups,Churches, Raising awareness on special needs,schools.
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