Tuesday 16 July 2019

Beauty For Ashes And the one day in Gods calendar

I pick up from a word from last year. Once you have received christ as your saviour and aligned yourself to his word.

It cannot feel like ashes for long- no. No matter what you are going through. Gods word has made it clear. The question is how much do you believe his word.

There will be that one day in Gods calendar when he turns things around for your sake. He has his plans you know and they are for the good. Plans for a future filled with hope for you and your children.

If you doubt it, look back years from you where you started and see how far you have all come.

The word dropped to my spirit one day as I was walking around the park. Specifically, God was referring to the pain some mothers go through when there child is diagnosed with condition that has no treatment. The comfort is that, there is a time when God brings the better out of you as parent but also complete healing. Healing is not always physical but emotional and spiritually achievable by connection to God. And that child will certainly benefit from the healed you. The new you an overcomer will lead to the best outcome for you ,your family and the wider community.

Watch how patient you are with your child, if you were not patient, you learnt to be so. Petty things to others are absolutely trivial to you. An evidence of inner peace. Inner
Peace is weapon for survival and a means of coping. God gave it you.
You a choice and entrusted to look after them.
Patience is not just a virtue but a spirit. A gift from the Lord.
You love your child unconditionally. You and they are complete by Gods love.

Today,I encourage you to walk by faith,drop the ashes in your mind and pick up the beauty.
The beauty he gave you, its within you and ahead of you.

Arise and Be Blessed

Watch the video related to this and share!

Some have already seen beauty!

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Book Release Alert! Queens Supoorting Queens An Inspirational Anthology
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